About Us
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Our Mission
To promote the safe and effective use of
point of care ultrasound (POCUS)
Our Goals
• To establish rigorous standards of training for POCUS use in Canada
• To provide certification to practice POCUS safely and independently
• To support maintenance of acquired POCUS skills
Our Methods
• TRAIN members by providing curricula and instructional videos
• CERTIFY members by providing comprehensive exams, scan requirements, and certificates
• MAINTAIN members’ skills by providing maintenance of competency programs
Our Members
• Physicians, nurses, paramedics, sonographers
• Medical students, residents
• Located nationally (urban and rural Canada)
• Located internationally (East Africa, Iceland, Middle East)
Our Principles
• Clinical judgment always takes precedence over POCUS

Greg Hall, MDPresident, Board of Directors
Strategic planning, examinations content and editing, Instructor Apprentice Program, society position statements, Resuscitation track lead, Diagnostic track, Musculoskeletal track, Committee for Instructor Requests, Committee for Course Accreditation.

Peter Steinmetz, MDPast-President, Board of Directors
Strategic planning, by-laws and incorporation, examinations content and editing, MOC Program, eLearning Program, Family Medicine track lead, CFPC CME credentialing.

Sharon Oleskevich, PhD Executive director, Board of Directors
Process planning and optimization, policy implementation and communication, new track completion, examinations editing, eLearning, CME credentialing, website and translation management.

Geneviève Dallaire, MDMember, Board of Directors
Examinations content and editing, Acute Care Musculoskeletal track lead, Resuscitation TEE track lead.

Chau Pham, MDMember, Board of Directors
Examinations content and editing, Acute Care CORE track lead, RCPSC CME credentialing, Committee for Course Accreditation.

Stéphane Rhein, MDMember, Board of Directors
Examinations content and editing, Family Medicine Musculoskeletal track lead, UPVA track lead, Committee for Exception to Certification.

Gabrielle Trépanier, MDMember, Board of Directors
Family Medicine track, academic postgraduate training via eLearning, Committee for Exception to Certification.

Robert Devins, MDMember, Board of Directors
Examinations content and editing, Diagnostic track lead, Resuscitation track, Diagnostic instructional videos, Committee for Course Accreditation.

Ankit Kapur, MDMember, Board of Directors
Examinations editing, Committee for Instructor Requests.

Patrick Martel, MDMember, Board of Directors
CPoCUS Exam App editing, simulator training, rural training, Committee for Exception to Certification.

Aftab Azad, MDMember, Board of Directors
International Board member (Qatar), Committee for Course Accreditation.

Claude Topping, MDConsultant
Translator for CORE instructional videos

Irene Ma, MDConsultant
Track lead for Internal Medicine,
Committee for Simulation Scans

Jean-Michel Cérat, MDConsultant
Expert reviewer for curricula translations

Christiane de BrentaniFinance Manager
Member, Administration team
Finances, book keeping, group certificate fee payments, annual reports.

Nick BurtonCommittee Manager
Member, Administration team
Committee for Course Accreditation, Committee for Exception to Certification, Committee for Instructor Requests, application forms.

Natalina DiCredicoCertificate Manager
Member, Administration team
IP certificates and certificate queries, general queries, live online course support, and FAQs.

Jaime LinzmayerCME Accreditation Manager
Member, Administration team
Session ID processing, database management, membership analysis, website analytics

Louis Letiecq Translator
Member, Administration team
Translation of curricula, application forms, letters to members, website content.

Janine ParkinsonMedia ManagerMember, Administration team
Newsletters and media content.

John Clements Exam App Developer
Axograph Scientific
Development of
CPoCUS Exam App for desktop computers, smart phones, and tablets.

Evan ShusterWebsite Developer
333 Photo & Design
Web and graphic design, IT support.
CPoCUS Annual Awards
This year’s award recognizes Dr Brendan M. Munn and his colleagues (Phillips, Laraya, Boivin-Arcouette) for their research study: “Gastric ultrasound in stable patients with decreased level of consciousness and recreational substance use — are presumed full stomachs full?” published in CJEM 2020, CAEP 2020, and CAS 2020. Their research demonstrates the potential utility of gastric ultrasound in stratifying aspiration risk in intoxicated patients with decreased Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS).
This year’s award recognizes Pouya Bandegi for his research study: “Ocular Point of Care Ultrasound: Efficacy and Knowledge Retention of a New Teaching Workshop for Medical Students” presented at WCUME 2019, Irvine, USA. His research demonstrated that a one-hour hands-on workshop on ocular PoCUS resulted in the improvement and four-month retention of students’ ocular POCUS skills
This year’s award recognizes Dr. Élizabeth Lalande for her research study: “Is point-of-care ultrasound a reliable predictor of outcome during atraumatic, non-shockable cardiac arrest? A systematic review and meta-analysis from the SHoC investigators” published in Resuscitation 2019 Jun;139:159-166. Her research demonstrated that PoCUS may provide valuable information in the management of non-traumatic pulseless electrical activity or asystole, but should not be viewed as the sole predictor in determining outcomes.
This year’s award recognizes both Dr. Clare Acton and Dr. Lanice Jones.
Dr. Acton developed the POCUS1 curriculum for the Toronto Addis Ababa Academic Collaboration in Emergency Medicine in Ethiopia. She launched a fellowship for a local faculty member. The goal is for this faculty to become the local PoCUS director on completion of their fellowship and for PoCUS training to become self-sustaining in Ethiopia.
Dr. Jones teaches obstetrical ultrasound in Nunavut, Chad, and Democratic Republic of Congo. The award will be used to support a doctor from Kenya to attend a Third Trimester Ultrasound Course in Arusha, Tanzania, as a step towards bringing the OB course to Nairobi, Kenya.
This year’s award recognizes Dr. Joel Turner for his outstanding work in undergraduate, postgraduate, and CME POCUS education provincially and nationally. Dr. Turner created, manages, and instructs the point of care ultrasound training program for the Emergency Medicine residents at McGill University. He is also the founder and director of the Fellowship Program in Point of Care Ultrasound based at Montreal’s Jewish General Hospital.
CPoCUS Awards Application forms
Educator of the
Year Award
CPoCUS waives membership fees and certificate fees for CPoCUS members in East Africa
Training courses are run by independent organizations (see below for more info)

Dr. Deirdre Duffy
CPoCUS CORE Master Instructor
CPoCUS DIAG Master Instructor
CPoCUS RESUS Master Instructor
CPoCUS Internal Medicine Master Instructor
CPoCUS UPVA Master Instructor
CPoCUS MSK Track Instructor
Email: deirdreduffy@hotmail.com
WhatsApp: +1 403 318 7517
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